Okay track, needs a lot better mixing.
I think you have a great track here, but your mixing needs a lot of work. Your guitars are good, but they are completely drowned out by the drums. In fact, everything is overpowered by the snare specifically. I love a good, powerful, tight snare, but it has to blend in with the rest of the music, not punch you in the face and make you wish it wasn't there. Not to mention that the guitars sound like they're clipping at some points.
The intro is okay, nothing that really grabs my attention. All the instruments seem a little random and I can't quite put my finger on the rhythm. But this is metal, so I guess it fits there. The switch to the fast, trilling guitars at 0:25 is a nice break from the random, and the break at 0:51 is beautiful. That's a nice lick.
The little solo at 3:23 sounds flat, and the guitars leading up to that point are clipping really bad. The piano brake is okay. The transition is not great, but the piano line itself is nice. But then the quick switch back to the metal at 3:37 doesn't fit at all. The cutout at 3:57 sounds forced as well, like you just cut off all the instruments, which leads to pure silence before bringing in the piano hard. There's no real piano build up that leads into the outro, making it sound like you just took part of a piano line and just stuck it at the end. This makes it sound very choppy.
The outro is very nice though. It sounds great and the pianist is very good. I think I can still hear some clipping though.
Nothing really stands out musically throughout the track, and that's mostly a result of not being able to hear the guitars very well at all. Even just turning down the snare would do a world of wonders for this track. Just keep working on your mixing.