Ignoring the genre, since I don't think you should be counted off just because of the choice of category, I will review your song.
The intro is nice and upbeat, with an obvious 8bit influence. The drums don't really fit the rest of the 8bit feel, but they do give it an interesting sound that is appealing to the ears. The riff from 0:09 - 0:36 has a nice rhythm to it, but could use a little more instrumentation, but just a little. Maybe even try mixing up the drums just a little.
The "chorus" area, or the part that picks up a little is very nice and I like the choice of synths. I feel that the gunshots are cliche and shouldn't be in this specific style of music, as it just doesn't seem to fit at all. I like how you start going crazy with the cymbals towards the end.
You have a nice start here, and I'd love to hear the finished product. I would make sure to add a little more variety to the drums, so they don't sound quite so plain, but I'm sure you're going to make this song awesome. Great effort, and great song!