What's going on? I am freakin' out! I'm always up for reviewing something, so if you want me to check out your stuff just drop me a PM.

Hunter Gin @Nessbeatsfox

Age 36, Male




Joined on 2/13/05

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Nessbeatsfox's News

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - February 8th, 2010

It's been so long since I updated this thing. Where have I been? I don't know. All I know is that when you're told not to mess with the space-time continuum, you shouldn't mess with it. I see that Obama's president now. Sorry 'bout that. I'll see if I can't fix that...

Joking aside (or not...), I've been super busy lately. I'm not sure what's so important that I had to ignore my news post for so long though. I turned 21 last month and spent my birthday in Florida with my wife and grandmother. It was pretty neat. We went to Busch Gardens, among other places.

But anyway, I don't even know how I'm typing this right now. It's like 5:30 in the morning and I haven't gone to bed yet due to RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. Dang it. I thought I was done with that game. I made the mistake of leaving in my computer and when turned it on, the RCT auto-run popped up. I thought "You know, I'll just play for a few minutes and then I'll go to bed." Stupid me. 7 hours later I FINALLY decided to turn it off. (And no, that's not an exaggeration, I started playing around 10 or so.)

Well, that's all I got for now. I have some new music coming eventually, but don't hold your breath. Seems like every time I get a song 99% complete, something happens technically and I can't finish it. But I'm used to that by now.

Oh, and GO SAINTS! Actually, it should be "GO PATS" but they ended up sucking this year. At least the Saints beat the Colts. I live in Indiana and all I've heard about for the past 2 weeks is Colts this and Colts that. I'm so glad the Saints won. I got to dance in front of my wife's parents and their sweet big screen tv every time the Saints scored. I was so excited when we won, but her parents kicked me out pretty quick. It's all good though.

Wow... Did I really write all that? I'm in that state where my mind can focus really well on something because I'm so tired... Imma go to bed now. Enjoy this neat picture we took at Busch Gardens. I love tigers so much. I could have spent all day in there with them.


Posted by Nessbeatsfox - November 24th, 2009

So marriage life is neat. It's pretty much identical to normal bachelor life, only there's this chick that follows me around my house. It's pretty crazy. She also came with a cat, but every few days or so we end up with a new pet somehow. We're now at three cats, a rabbit, elephant, giraffe, and she says there's a phoenix on the way.

But yeah. I like this chick. Here's a neat little picture of her with two of her cats, Oscar and Rascal:

So, I'm married now...

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - November 1st, 2009

Yep, all done with the wedding and honeymoon. I wanted to post a picture, but the photographer said it would take a few weeks to get them back, so I should get them soon. Here's my wife's post if you're interested:


That's all I have for now. I'll try to update this thing later. I gotta go... play some board games now. Yeah. That's it. Board games...

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - October 18th, 2009

::EDIT October 24, 2009 1:33pm::

So yeah. I'm on my way to the church now... Wish me luck.


So yeah I'm stressin out. I'll be married on October 24th. That's 6 days from the time I type this. The wedding itself isn't bothering me, it's that Kerri's parents are really giving us a hard time about the whole marriage. You see, I'm not good enough for Kerri according to them. I have to completely disagree with them, but it's hard to be that way to their faces.

A lot of the stress is coming from working on our house too. We bought this little sucker for a steal, but it needs so much freakin work. We had a very tight budget to begin with, and we needed the following to make the house livable: Running water, the water heater fixed, a washer, dryer, stove, and fridge, and the floor in the kitchen was pulled up before we bought it, so we have to replace that too.

This would all be fine, except for the fact that we spent pretty much our entire budget on re-piping the entire house since every single pipe had busted last winter apparently.

I don't know what I'm gonna do. I've been laid off work, but I'm supposed to go back Nov 2. I'm not making any money until then and so we're living off Kerri's paychecks.

I don't know. I just needed to vent a little. Thanks for reading. I'll see if I can't get a pic of the house once we're finally done working on it.

TL;DR I'm stressed out since I'll be married in 6 days and we're going over our budget to fix up the house we just bought.

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - September 17th, 2009

I was gonna post a huge long story about why I hate the gas company, but then I decided not to. Instead, here's a random Tetris video I found:

/* */
I have to result to watching it since my fiancee won't let my play Tetris anymore, just because I got a little bit of Repetitive Stress Syndrome. I'm over it now but she won't listen to me. Now I'm bored.

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - September 2nd, 2009

It's funny cause it happened to me the other day. The scars have almost healed.


Posted by Nessbeatsfox - August 24th, 2009

So it's my first day at my new job. I'm bored stupid. So bored I think I'm gonna die. And I'm hungry, but I don't go to lunch for another half hour or so. At least I can check NG here. I'll be here Monday-Friday from 11:00 - 5:30. Keep me entertained NG.

I have managed to occupy myself by converting 821 WMA files to mp3 since I can't transfer then to my BlackBerry because of stupid DRM. They take forever to convert, but at least I'll finally have my entire collection as mp3 instead of the stupid WMA files. I just wish I had known that about 5 years ago. On a lighter note about my music collection, I currently have 3783 songs in my library. Am I cool yet? No but seriously, I'm slowly closing in on 4000. Can't wait til I hit it!

How many songs do you have?

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - August 11th, 2009

Then you probably don't have a life. And what are you doing on my page anyway? You think it's funny to loiter? At least leave a comment!

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - August 10th, 2009

On August 8, 2009, I took my 12 year old gray tabby cat to the vet. She was getting very sick and I was getting worried. She stopped eating, and she was throwing up all the time. My mother has lost a few cats to feline leukemia, and she had mentioned in passing that Ally had the signs. I always ignored her, telling myself that she was just getting old. She had lost a lot of weight and she was practically all bones. We took her in at 11:30 a.m. and the vet saw us almost immediately. I was nervous for her, and she was getting really upset; moving more in the few minutes we were there than in the last 3 months. We took her into the small room and removed her from the carrier. She could barely stand up and it hurt to watch her. The vet's assistant weighed her. She was only 3 1/4 pounds. At her age she was supposed to be around five or six pounds at least.

After we explained what was going on with her, the vet's assistant left and the vet came in. I went to school with her son, so the atmosphere wasn't as harsh as it could have been. She checked Ally out and felt her stomach. It was hard and stiff. A tumor. My heart sank. I had a feeling it was going to be something like that. I didn't tell anybody that I had cried myself to sleep the night before, praying that she just had a stomach flu.

The vet was honest with me and told me that Ally wasn't necessarily in pain, but she would feel hungry, thirsty, and nauseous for the rest of her life. The tumor was just eating all her nutrition and everything it didn't consume she would just throw up. She told me that I could either euthanize her that day, or wait until it would be required. I started fighting back tears. I didn't want to cry. I have a huge ego and it would be bruised. After a few seconds that felt like hours I told the vet that I would be okay with doing it today. That was obviously a lie. I wasn't ready, but I felt so selfish for letting her be in pain. I kept telling myself that it wasn't my fault, that nature has taken it's course. That she was just a cat. But she wasn't just a cat, she was my best friend. I kissed her on the top of her head like I used to do every night before I went to bed. The vet told me to give her more kisses and hugs and she would be back when we were done. I turned to see my fiance crying. I lost it. The tears came so fast and I just hugged her. I picked Ally up and held her for a minute. She never let me do that; she must have been so scared.

I set her down and the vet came in and took her away. I said my final goodbye and walked out the door. I didn't stop to talk to the secretaries. I didn't stop to talk to my dad. I just walked right out the door to my truck and started bawling. It hurt so bad. Kerri sat with me and shared my tears. A few minutes later my dad came out with Ally. I didn't want to see the box, but I placed it in the back seat and let my dad drive home.

When we got to the house I buried her myself. That was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. I couldn't stand to be there anymore and Kerri and I went to her apartment. I spent a lot of time alone and just surfed the web. I cried pretty much all day and felt like crap. I remembered all the times we shared together. I got her when I was either seven or eight years old and she had always been my best friend. If I smacked my lips together and make a kissing sound twice, she'd shove her head into my lips to make me kiss her. But only if I did it twice. Once didn't count and three times was too many. She had the softest purr of any cat I've ever known. You had to be right up against her to hear it. And it was hard to make her happy, but once you did, you'd know it. I was the only one in my house that she actually loved and paid attention to. She hated everyone else. And she had a tendency to squeak like a toy, but in a really unique way when she was really excited.

There's so many stories I could tell of her, but I'll just ramble for hours if I do. She will be dearly missed and I will always remember her. I wish I had gotten more pictures of her. I have 4 on my computer. I got a few when she was getting sick, but she doesn't look very flattering in those. It's been a whole day and I haven't quite recovered yet.

Here's a picture of her so that her memory will live on forever. It's probably the best picture I have of her. The rest make her look really old and frail. This picture was taken about a year ago:

R.I.P. Ally Cat

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - August 7th, 2009

My new phone. Yeah, I know BlackBerries have been out for a while, but I just got this baby yesterday! I got the "inferno" one. This is by far the nicest phone I have ever owned, since my last one was a junky flip phone I've had for years. Yeah, I know, most of you probably have way cooler phones, but I got this one super cheap because I got a new plan with Sprint. Well, I don't have a picture of it, since the camera can't snap a pic of itself, so here's a google pic of one:

The BlackBerry Curve 8330