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Hunter Gin @Nessbeatsfox

Age 36, Male




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Can your 360 do this?

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - June 1st, 2008

Lol walloftextplzread:

So I was playing Brawl with my girlfriend on Thursday, when a horrible thing happened. I keep my Wii on top of the video cabinet by my TV, which stands about 3 1/2 feet tall. We were both using GC controllers, and as you may know, the cords for these things are very short. Well, I started to adjust since my butt was going to sleep, and I put my feet above the cords and propped them against the TV for comfort. This was working fine until one of my feet slipped and the whole weight of my leg pulled the controller cords, which, in turn pulled the Wii off the cabinet.

We both stared in silence as if feel the 3 1/2 feet to the floor, completing a full flip in the process, and landing on its side. The dust cover on top broke off when it hit the stand. I freaked out, thinking that I had just ruined my system, when I realized that Brawl was still playing, and I had to pause it.

Now my girlfriend was trying to be helpful, but being Kerri, she hit the eject button popping the game out while she was trying to help me pick it up. I yelled at her (and later apologized) for doing that, as I thought it would screw up the game. But no, we put the game back in, set the system back up on the stand (but left it on the floor now), unpaused the game, and I finished beating her (or she beat me...I can't remember).

Sure you can tell me that the floor was carpeted, so there was no problem. Or you can tell me that any system could have handled this kind of punishment, but does your 360 do that? Huh? Not even my PS2 could have withstood the fall, it would have frozen the game.

The point of the story is that the Wii is the most durable system I have ever owned, and I have owned a lot. This isn't the first time I beat it up, since I was playing it at Kerri's house, and her mom tripped on the cord and knocked it over (it was sitting on the floor then.) In fact, it's never once frozen on me when it's been tipped on it's side, like the 360 does. It just continues to play like there are no problems at all.

On a completely separate note, here's how idiotic my brother can be sometimes (he's the one in the sock hat):

/* */
And here's another picture of Yuffie:

Can your 360 do this?


It's not Aeris anymore, it's Aerith! Fix your comment response on the last post.

Fix your face.

Yay. Picture of Yuffie.

Yay. I know. Isn't it great?

Ha! I like that story. ^_^

Yuffie's butt is smexy.

I like that story too...

I know her butt is smexy. I want it soooo bad!

LMAO!! Tell your brother that he's the biggest dork I've ever met. XD

Even bigger than me...?

ok now i know wtf ur doin in your free time xD
your brother and you are real jackasses xD :P
but bigger jackass then me? NO WAY :P
search on youtube : Jackass L-Hill

have fun bro xD

- Zero

Naw man, that's not me. That's his friend Matt. He went and spent the night over at his house with another friend, and that was the result of staying up til 5 am.