What's going on? I am freakin' out! I'm always up for reviewing something, so if you want me to check out your stuff just drop me a PM.

Hunter Gin @Nessbeatsfox

Age 36, Male




Joined on 2/13/05

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20,840 / 21,490
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Nessbeatsfox's News

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - March 17th, 2008

Away from my last post...

I haven't been on NG much recently, due to the fact that I (and by I, I mean that my brother) bought SSBB last week! I've spent countless hours unlocking all characters, levels, and going for the trophies...

Got online play, but only when I go to Kerri's house, so I've only got to do it a couple of times. Man is that game fun! Okay, here's a pic of my favorite character:

(It's really hard to find a good picture of him)

Moving on...

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - March 6th, 2008

I managed to wreck my car again! This time, going to the movies with Kerri... We just wanted to see Sweeny Todd. I hit a big pile of slush and managed to spin the car around and slam the trunk into a pole. We were both fine, except for minor head and back pain. Three of my doors got crammed into each other, so the only one that would open was Kerri's. We managed to make it to the movie though, which was pretty good. Here's a pic:

Well, I did it again...

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - February 29th, 2008

I'm finally home! The line for security at the airport almost made me miss my plane, but I was alright. Flying home was not the most exciting thing in the world (since I'm still terrified of it). Well, I'll post a picture later.

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - February 16th, 2008

2/17/08 12:00 AM

Hey guess what NG? I'm going to Florida in a couple of hours! I leave my cold little state of Indiana and depart for a delightfully warm city in Florida. YAY! I'm going with my grandma to help her settle in. My only regret is that I can't take my girlfriend with me...

I've been to Florida before, but I was only 5, so I don't remember it much. And I've recently discovered that I'm terrified of flying...help.

:::UPDATE::: 2/18/08 8:36 PM

Well, I've been here for a while. It's nice and warm. I was so freakin' tired when I got off the plane at 9 AM, but I didn't get to go to bed until 10 PM! The only thing I hate about it here is I have to use dial-up instead of my regular high speed at home...

I plan on posting a new picture, but with this inernet, it's gonna be a while. I'm staying at my grandma's house. It's a nice little home on a public lot right beside a small pond. I've seen palm trees for the first time, and the stores here are HUGH compared to the ones back home in Kokomo.

:::UPDATE::: 2/20/08 8:18 PM

I should be getting high speed internet tomorrow. I should. I went fishing for a couple of hours and managed to catch a small bluegill! Yay! I spent the rest of the day watching cartoons on my grandma's widescreen HDTV. Pretty nice! I just caught the cat chasing his tail. I laughed so freakin' hard!

More about Florida: I caught a little lizard when it fell on me from the sky! Acutally, I helped set up the umbrella for the garden, and there were six or seven of them (plus a frog) hiding inside, so when my grandma fired a hose at them, they fell on top of me! If I do get the high speed internet tomorrow, I'll post a pic of the little guy. Until then, please continue to enjoy the wonderful picture of that orange down thar.

:::UPDATE::: 2/21/08 10:01 PM

Not much to say. Just chillin' with the new high speed my grandma got, so I can finally post this awesome picture of me with a lizard! Kinda came out a little blurry though. Oh well.

:::UPDATE::: 2/24/08 1:38 AM

Went to the beach on Friday. It was pretty nice, but it got cold waaaay to fast. We were only there for an hour or so, but it was fun. Today I went to Solomon's Castle, which is an entire castle made out of recycled junk. It's just a museum that one guy single handedly built. I was very impressed with some of the stuff he made, like sculptures out of car parts, and a life size giraffe made from wire. I'm too lazy to post a new pic, so enjoy the lizard for a little while longer.

:::UPDATE::: 2/26/08 12:47 AM

Well, on my way home from Solomon's castle on Saturday, my grandma hit a vulture! HA! I loled so hard, but when we found out it broke the grill to her truck...I stopped loling.

Went to Busch Gardens today!!! ZOMG! That place is AMAZING! Rode a couple of rides, saw some animals, rode some animals, and saw some rides. Rode the vertical drop coaster "SheiKra", which TBH made me nervous, but it was worth it. Saw this really cool show with highly trained cats, dogs, and birds. It even had a skunk and a porcupine! Here's a pic of an elephant:


Posted by Nessbeatsfox - February 10th, 2008

I have officially gotten a brand new computer mouse! No more struggling with my old piece of crap with that stupid ball thing. I have a laser mouse that actually works. Yay!


Attention Newgrounds!

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - January 31st, 2008

Yay! I am finally 19! Okay, now I'm bored...

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - January 16th, 2008

So here's my story:

There you go. I have no story because my life is boring. What have I done since the new year started? I can't remember. I just found out we're already halfway through January. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? Okay, I'm gonna go sleep for another couple of days. Maybe that will put me back on schedule.

Thanks for reading...


Posted by Nessbeatsfox - December 27th, 2007

Christmas is over, but the new year is on its way. Happy New Year people!

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - December 10th, 2007

Yay its CHRISTMAS!!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!

Yay Christmas!

Posted by Nessbeatsfox - December 5th, 2007

I haven't made any new posts in a while, so here's a picture of Rosco. Don't mess with him. He doesn't take too kindly to strangers.
